Our Terms and Conditions
Name - Next Chapter Dating
Objectives – The objectives of Next Chaper Dating Agency is to make personal introductions between single people via it’s personalised matchmaking service.
Membership is at the sole discretion of proprietor, Janet Wilson. Admission is subject to the acceptance of the rules as outlined here.
Any money paid is non transferable.
Payment - fees are non refundable. The fee is such as the proprietor determines from time to time. Payment of the registration/membership fee for any service signifies acceptance of these T&C
Personal Introductions & Matchmaking.
We will use reasonable endeavours to achieve the minimum agreed number of Matches withing the membership period. The maximum number of matches for all membership levels will be at the proprietor’s discretion.
What is provided.
The Dating Agency provides introductions. The term “Introduction or Match” is defined below. We do not provide face to face meetings or guarantee any member will choose to make contact with any other member. Introduction (Match) means the supply of a profile and details of another person fitting the requirements agreed at the outset, (Match) whether or not any contact between the members is actually made. We can’t make you love them or them you, somethings are outside of our control.
The terms, including their plurals, “introduction”, “match”, “profile”, and “date” may be used interchangeably in discussions before or during membership. For the purpose of membership these terms means suppling a matching profile.
The Agency will use reasonable endeavours to select the appropriate introduction (match) for a agency client taking into account the members age, sex, attitude to smoking and other factors, but shall not be under any obligation to provide introductions which comply in all respects with the requirements contained in the members application form providing such introductions appear otherwise reasonably suited.
To ensure the best possible number of matches, the agency may at it’s discretion conduct a head hunting service for potential partners from outside the agency. Some head hunted members may be retained on a reduced rate, as associate members or on a passive database. If a member changes the search criteria for the type of person they are looking for we may not be able to provide the minimum number of introductions. No refunds can be made in these circumstances. once a member has received their minimum number of matches we may still offer further matches unless requested by the member to cease. The allocation of matches for a member shall be concluded when the minimum agreed number of matches has been reached or the end of the membership period, which ever is reached first.
If you feel you need extra support or guidance please contact Janet directly.
Please let us know via email if you need to press pause or take a break for whatever reason, it's your responsibility to let us know you wish to be un-paused.
Exclusion. Except in so far as such liability cannot be excluded by law the proprietor shall have no liability for the actions omissions or behaviour of the members/clients. The proprietor cannot accept responsibility for any event, act or accident arising from an introduction that has been provided by us. Each client completes an application form and is interviewed by us prior to admission as a client. We check their ID to confirm their identity. We do not undertake any further investigation and shall not be liable in respect of any matter, which may have been revealed by further investigation. In accordance with GDPR, we only obtain a limited amount of personal information as provided by the client. We can not except liability for undisclosed criminal history that the client has not revealed at the time of interview.
Profiles of clients are supplied to other clients in confidence and clients undertake not to disclose any details of any other client to any other person, body or organisation, either during their membership or at any time afterward. If a client does not intend to pursue an introduction to another client, the details of the other client should be deleted and not retained.
Process. Searching and matching.
Searching and matchmaking takes place at regular intervals as determined by the agency. There is no guarantee that the search and results will yield any suitable matches on any particular occasion, but we will do our very best to find you that special someone. When suitable matches are found, these will be offered to the client on behalf the search is being carried out, and the profile of the client on whose behalf the search is being carried out will be offered to the other client selected. Once a minimum agreed number of profiles has been offered to a client, we may offer further profiles if they are a full member, but are not under any obligation to do so. The searching and matching will end at the conclusion of the agreed term, normally 12 months. With the taster membership the searching and matching will end after the agreed number of matches have been provided. The taster membership can be upgraded to a full membership anytime during the six month taster period.
Cessation of membership.
A member ceases to be a member/client; By notification to proprietor by email.
Owing to any expulsion due to breach of the rules and regulations of the club.
On any such dates as may be notified to the member by the proprietor for the time being as the date that the business shall cease to exist.
The proprietor may suspend or expel from membership any member; who acts in breach of the rules or regulations or whose contact is prejudicial to the interest of Next Chapter Dating or it’s members or in the opinion of the proprietor renders them unfit for membership.
The member/client warrants that; they are of sound mind and body, that they are unattached and free to form a relationship. They do not have a criminal record nor do they use prohibited substances. The information they have provided is true and accurate in all respects. The proprietor reserves the right to terminate this agreement without notice or refund if it transpires that any information supplied by the member/client is untrue, inaccurate or in any way misleading. The behaviour of the member/client is not of the high standard which the business expects or if the member/client commits any breach of these conditions.
The personalised matching client consent to their profile being disclosed to other clients for the purpose of effecting an introduction between them. The client explicitly consents under GDPR law to the storing and processing of special category data as defined by the GDPR personal data regarding age, health, sex or any other personal data covered by GDPR appearing in their profile.
The proprietor may from time to time revoke, vary, add or alter the rules and is the sole authority for interpreting the rules and for settling all disputes relating to the affairs of the business and the conduct of the members/clients. Any technical or human administrative error shall not give rise to any entitlement of refund.
Disclaimer ; The business facilitates introductions between clients based on information provided and in good faith and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or errors in a client’s profile. The business and the member agree that each party to this agreement shall not, either directly or indirectly, at any time during the period of the agreement or thereafter, make, publish, transmit or communicate to any person or entity or internet site or other forum any disparaging or derogatory remarks, comments or statements concerning either Next Chaper Dating, it’s employees or representatives or the member/client or the performance of this agreement which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavourable publicity for Next Chaper Dating, its employees or representatives or the member/client whether or not those remarks, comments or statements represent honestly held beliefs of either party. Members/clients undertake not to publish any material which may bring the business, it’s staff, associates or members/clients into disrepute. Any breach of this clause by one party shall entitle the other party to seek damages and or injunctive relief. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause shall not restrict the legal rights under common law, contract or statute, of either party to commence or defend any legal proceedings arising from a breach or alleged breach of this agreement.
Request the commence provision of the service immediately
Upon the joining of Next Chaper Dating Agency should the client instructs it to commence work on their behalf immediately, they then waive the cancellation rights cooling off period. We are more than happy to take our time and find you the very best first match.
These T&C are governed by English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.